The What’s Next Tailored Solutions System

The What’s Next Tailored Solutions System is our client-based customized approach to financial advisor coaching. We have found that personalizing our coaching on a case-by-case basis yields better results than a generalized approach to coaching. Through a process tailored to each individual advisor, we help identify and reach the next levels of success.

“Bill knows how to connect with clients.  He refers to them as friends.  As a friend he’s never been hesitant to tell me when he’s proud of my efforts or when I need to get my head out of my a**. ”

Allentown, PA

“Bill is a catalyst for looking at the finer points of taking a good business and turning it into a great firm.  Not only has he been vital to our development, but key to looking forward to future opportunities. ”

Dallas, TX

“The team at What’s Next has walked in my shoes. Their personal experience and understanding of the challenges we face as practitioners and business owners makes them uniquely qualified to help us get to the next level.”

Warwick, RI

“Focus. Preparation. Execution.  Three words that can be found in Bill’s personal mantra. For Bill, those three words are not just a tagline, but a way of life. He’s committed to the success of everyone.”

Easton, PA

“Ben Mossman and the entire team at What’s Next 4 Financial Advisors, have been instrumental in creating the organizational foundation that has allowed me to grow my practice to levels that I never thought possible. My drive has always been assisting my clients navigate and reach their personal financial goals. With  Ben’s coaching, the fundamentals that are essential in creating an efficient practice are now in place.”

Advisor in California

“Working with What’s Next has been a game changer. It’s like having a personal business coach that is very knowledgeable in the wealth management space, understands my business needs and helps me execute an action plan to accomplish our goals.”

Advisor in Utah ,

“Working with What’s Next has been an integral part of building a thriving practice; they are our team of trusted advisors. Coaching from Ben, Bill, and Tate provides perspective, direction, and reminds you the importance of your “why,” connecting your human and business sides to help your clients and fulfills your life.”

Advisor in Colorado

“It has been a pleasure to work with Ben for the past few years. He has been my guide through many changes. New Office, managing employee, Establishing a DBA and all of the little steps in-between. He has the ability to talk me off of the ledge and yet push me to do the next hard thing. Definitely time and money well spent to develop my business to the next level.”

Advisor in California,

I started working with Ben last year on my solo advisory practice.

He keeps me accountable and helps move my projects and goals along, especially when I feel stuck or unmotivated. He offers very useful and practical guidance, encouragement and constructive feedback. We have been working on an area of my practice where my skills were weakest and that has given me an immense sense of relief and something I no longer dread! At the end of the year when I felt least motivated, he ran through the list of everything we had accomplished together in the past year which provided me a much-needed confidence boost.

It also helps that Ben is easygoing, humble and fun to work with. I highly recommend his service for any Financial Advisor looking to take their practice to the “What’s-Next” level!”

Advisor California ,

Bill helped us become more intentional regarding how we run and build our practice.  A detailed marketing and corporate calendar, coupled with comprehensive business metrics that are updated monthly, guide our decisions around what type of client we are looking to bring on and what the service and advice offering will be for each of our unique relationships.  Leveraging Bill’s expertise will have long-lasting, positive effects on our organization.

Advisor Michigan

1) Engagement

We learn about you, your business, and your goals. Then we discuss the appropriate type and level of engagement in order to help you achieve those goals.

What I do -Brandon

2) Discovery

We meet with you and your team members individually, to assess what you’re doing, where you are winning, where you are struggling, and how we can help. We cover every aspect of how to get your business to the next level.

3) Roadmap

We work together to create a plan that fits your specific needs. With over 75 years of combined experience, we’ve done this many times before for friends and clients. We know how to help you to reach your next set of goals.


4) Success

Once you achieve your initial goals it doesn’t have to stop there. We are here to help you to identify your next levels of success and strategize on ways to help you get there as well.

Ready to Grow Your Business?

No matter where you are in the development of your business from wildly successful to incredibly frustrated, we are here to help you identify and implement What’s Next.

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