Bill Rambo

Senior Coach & Director

“The first best time to fix what you want to fix in your business, or your life was then.
The next best time is now.”

Bill Rambo
Bill RamboSenior Coach & Director

For almost four decades, Bill Rambo has been sharing that thought and asking questions of professionals who want to improve, who want to get ahead, who want to win. Asking questions. Some might see that as a novel approach to coaching professionals to higher levels of performance, results and success. But to Bill understanding his clients and friends at the deepest level possible is paramount to delivering to them the results they want.

Bill began his career as an Agent and Registered Representative with a national financial services firm. He spent six years in this role. For the next six years, he focused on rebuilding staffs of representatives for the company. In one instance, he took a staff of producers ranked at the bottom of their region and helped them achieve a number five ranking at year’s end.

In 2009, Rambo struck out on his own, forming RamboPlus Associates, LLC, a firm committed to helping clients and friends identify their next levels of success and the steps to reach them. In addition, Bill is well known for “rolling up his sleeves” and helping advisors and teams to get things accomplished. He’s also known for his infectious energy, passion and his humor.

“Bill brings great ideas, great energy, and tremendous passion to the people he works with. He only knows “success” and maximizes the potential for the organizations he works with as well as the people involved in those organization.”

In 2011, RamboPlus was named a “Preferred Vendor” for coaching services by the John Hancock Financial Network. Bill numbers five of Signator’s “Practice of the Year” winners among his current and former clients. Bill has also worked with advisors across the financial services industry. As a result, he serves as a conduit of industry best practices.

Bill’s professional credits include hundreds of speaking engagements, not to mention several TV and radio appearances. He has also published numerous articles and a book on topics related to real financial planning. His article, “8 Core Practice Efficiencies for Financial Services Success,” was published in the GAMA International Journal in their July/August 2013 edition